If we were to take a close look at social behaviors throughout history we would find that a common thread exists amongst all religions and cultures when it comes to celebrating momentous occasions. Regardless of the food served, music played or ritual dances performed, as a whole, people have embraced the tradition of bringing their family and friends together to honor significant dates in their lives.
What we refer to as parties, celebrations, affairs and soirees, are one and the same. They are events designed to highlight a “life moment” worthy of being recognized with great joy and optimism and sharing these relevant “life moments” can be seen as a thread that holds families together.
In this day in age with the advancements being made in technology we not only can celebrate with the loved ones surrounding us but can live steam these “life moments” to family and friends around the world. Instagram, facebook, twitter and all other social media outlets have a standing reservation at all events allowing both you and your guests to make your “life moment” a world wide celebration.